Stomates et cuticule. Blanc: Paroi primaire, Vert: Cuticule © Robertas Ursache
R. URSACHE - The suberinteresting role of GELP proteins

R. URSACHE - The suberinteresting role of GELP proteins

13 mars 2025

11h - Auditorium Lynn Margulis - Pôle AgroBioSciences

Robertas Ursache, chercheur en biologie végétale, a rejoint le Centre de Recherche en Agrigénomique (CRAG) de Barcelone en juin 2022 pour y établir sa propre équipe : Plant Cell Wall Remodeling and Adaptation. Il viendra à l'occasion d'un séminaire partager ses travaux portant sur les dynamiques et adaptations des parois végétales, un sujet clé pour la biologie moléculaire végétale et ses applications. Il est spécialisé dans l'édition de génomes et la microscopie confocale.


Stroma Cuticule - R. URSACHE

To maintain a protected yet interconnected body, all land plants have evolved specialized and adaptive tissues that play an essential role in facilitating optimal growth and enhancing the ability to respond effectively to various environmental cues. Among these tissues are the seed coat and leaf epidermis, which undergo significant cell wall remodelling and thickening based on suberin and cutin. The mechanisms by which essential plant polyesters, such as cutin and suberin, are assembled and remodelled during plant growth and adaptation remain poorly understood. Using the tools we recently optimized for high-resolution imaging and rapid generation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, combined with metabolomics, tissue-specific transcriptomics, and high-resolution imaging-based methods, we aim to uncover the mechanisms controlling the activity and assembly of key enzymes in suberin and cutin assembly. Using tissue-specific transcriptomics approaches, we have identified distinct subsets of GELP proteins as potential key enzymes required for the assembly of seed coat suberin and leaf epidermal cuticle.

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Robertas Ursache

Robertas Ursache dirige le groupe Plant Cell Wall Remodeling and Adaptation au CRAG de Barcelone. Il étudie comment les parois cellulaires végétales, en particulier les parois secondaires, influencent la croissance, la défense et l'adaptation des plantes. Son travail combine des outils innovants comme le CRISPR-Cas9 et la microscopie confocale.

Séminaire financé par la FR AIB

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