© Benoit Perez-Lamarque
B. PEREZ-LAMARQUE - Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of mycorrhizal networks

B. PEREZ-LAMARQUE - Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of mycorrhizal networks

12 décembre 2024

11h - Auditorium Lynn Margulis - Pôle AgroBioSciences

Benoît Perez-Lamarque est maitre de conférences à l'UT3 et membre de l'équipe DEEP (Diversification Ecologique et Evolutive des Populations) au CRBE. Il présentera à l'occasion de son séminaire la manière dont les plantes et les champignons mycorhiziens interagissent et évoluent.


Mycorrhizal interactions have a major contribution to the functioning of plants and ecosystems. To fully understand these interactions, we need to look at how complex interaction networks linking plants and mycorrhizal fungi assemble and evolve. This seminar will address different aspects of these ecological and evolutionary dynamics. We will start by documenting the low specificity of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, an ancestral association of land plants that appeared several hundred million years ago. We will then show that, in contrast to the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, mycorrhizal symbioses that appeared more recently exhibit a stronger specificity, which potentially contributes to slowing down the diversification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Finally, we will look at the evolution of mycoheterotrophy, analyzing the ecological and evolutionary constraints limiting the emergence of these cheating strategies. This work will illustrate the complexity of the ecological and evolutionary processes shaping mycorrhizal interactions within ecosystems. 

En savoir plus

© Benoit Perez-Lamarque

Benoît Perez-Lamarque est maitre de conférences à l'UT3 et membre de l'équipe DEEP (Diversification Ecologique et Evolutive des Populations) au CRBE. Ses recherches portent sur l’étude des dynamiques éco-évolutives des interactions entre espèces. 

Séminaire financé par la FR AIB

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