R. OELMULLER - A novel cell wall-derived chemical mediator

R. OELMULLER - A novel cell wall-derived chemical mediator induces local and systemic Ca2+ responses in Arabidopsis

22 avril 2016

Salle des séminaires FR AIB

Intervention du Prof. Ralf Oelmûller, Institut fûr Allgemeine Botanik und Pflanzenphysiologie, University Jena.


A huge number of beneficial and pathogenic fungi release biomolecules into the rhizosphere which initiate signaling events in the roots leading to mutualistic or pathogenic plant/microbe interactions.  The combination and concentration of the individual biomolecules in the rhizosphere is critical for the plant´s decision to invest in either growth or defense. We identified a novel chemical mediator from cell wall preparations of fungi and bacteria, which induces cytoplasmic Ca2+ elevation within 90 sec in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Interestingly, this compound can also be released by the degradation of plant cell wall material. Mutant analyses, expression and metabolite profiles as well as biochemical studies demonstrate that the Ca2+ response is essential for the plant response to the chemical mediator. The Ca2+ response propagates rapidly and mediates axial and radial transfer of information to distal organs. I will discuss possible roles of the compound for plant performance and future strategies.

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C. Mazars, LRSV

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr