M.-A. JACQUES - Emergence of diseases due to <i>Xylella fastidiosa</i> in Europe

M.-A. JACQUES - Emergence of diseases due to Xylella fastidiosa in Europe, diversity and biology of the pathogen.

08 janvier 2016

Salle des séminaires FR AIB

Présentation de Marie-Agnès JACQUES, Directrice de Recherche INRA dans l'Equipe Emersys (Emergence, Systematics and Ecology of plant pathogenic bacteria) de l’Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences (IRHS) d'Angers.


Xylella fastidiosa is a xylem-limited insect-transmitted bacterium endemic in the Americas, but which has recently emerged in Taiwan, Iran, Italy and France. X. fastidiosa is a quarantine bacterium for the European Union (EU) listed in the directive 2000/29/EC and as such it must be controlled. Xylella fastidiosa was recently intercepted several times in France on coffee plants imported from South and Central Americas and emerged in Corsica and mainland France mainly on an ornamental, Polygala myrtifolia.  However, the risks of novel introductions and of dissemination of this pathogen in Europe are still pending due to the high number of plant hosts, which are imported from contaminated areas and to latent infections in asymptomatic plants. The biology and the diversity of this pathogen will be discussed in order to gain insights into host adaptation and control methods.

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Contact :Fabienne Vailleau, LIPM

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr