J. de MEAUX - Quantitative aspects of defense evolution

J. de MEAUX - Quantitative aspects of defense evolution in <I>Arabidopsis thaliana</I>

22 janvier 2016

Salle des séminaires FR AIB

Intervention de Juliette de Meaux, Professeur à l'Université de Cologne, sur le thème "Quantitative aspects of defense evolution in <I>Arabidopsis thaliana</I>".


In plants, the dissection of molecular mechanisms of immunity was principally focused on the analysis of strain specific mechanisms. Their evolution was thus generally thought to be driven by that of pathogens. Plant, however, have the ability to prevent colonization by most microbes. Specific interactions are rare and selection by virulent strains is severe but transient. I will present work performed in my laboratory that interrogates another source of natural selection shaping the evolution of the defense system in Arabidopsis thaliana : the cost-benefit balance of defense systems.

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Fabrice Roux >>>

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr