C. FAULKNER - Cell-to-cell communication during pathogen attack

C. FAULKNER - Cell-to-cell communication during pathogen attack

01 juillet 2016

Salle des séminaires FR AIB

Intervention de Christine Faulkner (Group leader, John Innes Center, Crop Genetics department, Norwich, UK).


In multicellular organisms, whole tissues and organs must respond in a co-ordinated fashion to environmental and developmental stimuli. Most plant cells are connected to their neighbours by dynamic channels called plasmodesmata which allow and regulate the flux of molecules and information between cells, facilitating intercellular communication. Research in the Faulkner lab focuses on how intercellular communication regulates responses to pathogens. We aim to dissect the mechanisms by which plasmodesmata open and close to control defence associated domains of communication and intercellular flux. Beyond this, we also investigate how plasmodesmata-defined symplastic domains regulate different defence responses with respect to both PAMP-triggered and effector-triggered responses.

Laboratory website: https://www.jic.ac.uk/directory/christine-faulkner/

LIPM Contact:Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr