Roberto Mantovani
R. Mantovani - The structural and functional intricacies

R. Mantovani - The structural and functional intricacies of the sequence-specific histone-like trimer NF-Y in plants (and beyond).

26 septembre 2014

Salle Marc Ridet (Campus INRA Auzeville - bât SDAR)

Le Professeur Roberto Mantovani (Université de Milan ) présente le séminaire intitulé "The structural and functional intricacies of the sequence-specific histone-like trimer NF-Y in plants (and beyond)."

Publications 2009-2014

  • Forni C., Minuzzo M., Virdis M., Tamborini E., Simone M., Tavecchio M., Erba E., Grosso F., Gronchi A., Aman P., Casali P., D’Incalci M., Pilotti S. and Mantovani R. Mol. Cancer Therapeutics 8, 449-457 (2009).
  • Pozzi S., Zambelli F., Merico D., Pavesi G.,Gidrol X., Mantovani R.* and Viganò MA.* PLoS ONE e5008 (2009).
  • Pozzi S., Boergesen M., Mandrup S and Mantovani R. J. Invest. Dermatology 129, 2376-85 (2009). IF 6.3
  • Aberdam D. and Mantovani R. Cell Death and Differentiation 16, 1073-74 (2009).
  • Ceribelli M., Benatti P., Imbriano C. and Mantovani R. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 34189-34200. (2009). IF 5.3
  • Dolfini D., Zambelli F., Pavesi G. and Mantovani R. Cell Cycle 8, 4127-4237 (2009).
  • Rostagno R., Wolchisky Z., Viganò MA., Arad S., Zhou H., van Bokhoven H., Ferone G., Missero G., Mantovani R., Aberdam D. and Virolle T. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 395, 131-5 (2010).
  • Gatta R. and Mantovani R. Cell Cycle, 9, 1-11 (2010).
  • Borrelli S., Fanoni D., Dolfini D., Alotto D., Ravo M., Grober OM., Weisz A., Castagnoli C., Berti E., Vigano AM., Mantovani R. PLoS ONE 5, e13789 (2010).
  • Borrelli S., Candi E., Hu B., Ravo M., Viganò MA., Weisz A., Dotto GP., Melino G. and Mantovani R. Cell Death and Differentiation 17, 1896-907 (2010).
  • Cordani N., Pozzi S., Martynova E., Fanoni D., Borrelli S., Alotto D, Castagnoli C., Berti E., Viganò MA, Mantovani R. Oncogene 32, 922-932 (2011).
  • Hughes R., Kristiansen1 M., Lassot I., Dessagher S., Mantovani R and Ham J. Cell Death and Differentiation 18, 937-47 (2011).
  • Fossati A., Dolfini D., Donati G. Mantovani R. PLoS ONE 6:e17220 (2011).
  • Gatta R. and Mantovani R. Epigenetics 6, 526-34 (2011).
  • Browne G., Cipollone R., Lena AM., Zhou JH., van Bokhoven H., Doetsch V., Mantovani R. Terrinoni A., Knight RA., Candi E and Melino G. J. Cell Science 124, 2200-7 (2011).
  • Gatta R., Dolfini D., Zambelli F., Imbriano C., Pavesi G. and Mantovani R. Epigenetics 6, 630-37 (2011).
  • Castel D., Debily M-A., Wu N., Viganò MA., Frouin V., Alibert O., Mantovani R., Romeo P-H Gidrol X. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 20870-9 (2011).
  • Gatta R., Dolfini D. and Mantovani R. Cell Death and Disease 2, e162 (2011).
  • Mantovani, R. Cell Cycle 10, 4205 (2011).
  • Imbriano C., Gnesutta N. and Mantovani R. BBA Review Cancer 1825, 131-139. (2011).
  • Uboldi S., Bernasconi S., Romano M., Marchini S., Fuso Nerini I., Damia G., Ganzinelli M., Marangon, Sala E F., Clivio L., Chiorino G., Digiandomenico S., Rocchi M., Capozzi O., Margison G.P., Watson A.J., Caccuri AM., Pastore A., Fossati A., Mantovani R., Erba ER. and M. D’Incalci. Int. J. Cancer, 131, 59-69 (2012).
  • Dolfini D., Gatta R and Mantovani R. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 47, 29-49 (2012).
  • Martynova  E., Pozzi S., Basile V., Dolfini D., Zambelli F., Imbriano C., Pavesi G., Mantovani R.  Oncotarget 3, 132-143 (2012).
  • Calzada A.A., Todoerti K., Donadoni L., Pellicioli A., Tuana G.,  Gatta R., Neri A., Finazzi G. Mantovani R., Rambaldi A., Introna M., Lombardi L. and Golay J. Experimental Hematology 40, 634-645 (2012).
  • Gandellini P., Profumo V., Casamichele A., Fenderico N., Borrelli S., Petrovich G, Santilli G, Callari M., Colecchia M., Pozzi S., De Cesare M., Folini M., Valdagni R., Mantovani R. and Zaffaroni N. Cell Death and Differentiation, 19, 1750-1760 (2012).
  • Calvenzani V., Testoni B., Gusmaroli G., Petroni K., Mantovani R., Tonelli C. PLoS ONE e42902 (2012).
  • Dolfini D., Minuzzo M., Pavesi G. and Mantovani R. Stem Cells 30, 2550-2559 (2012).
  • Petroni K., Kumimoto RW., Gnesutta N., Calvenzani V., Fornari M., Tonelli C., Holt BF. III and Mantovani R. Plant Cell, 24, 4777-4792 (2012).
  • Nardini M.,  Gnesutta N., Donati G., Gatta R, Forni C., Fossati A., Vonrhein C., Moras D., Romier C., Bolognesi M., Mantovani R. Cell, 152, 132-143 (2013).
  • Dolfini D. and Mantovani R. Cell Death and Differentiation, 20, 676-685 (2013).
  • Dolfini D. and Mantovani R. Oncogene, 32, 489-490 (2013).
  • Fleming JD., Pavesi G., Benatti P., Imbriano C., Mantovani R., Struhl K. Genome Res. 23, 1195-1209 (2013).
  • Gnesutta N., Nardini M. and Mantovani R. Transcription, 16;4(3) 114-119 (2013).
  • Di Giandomenico S., Frapolli R., Bello E., Uboldi S., Licandro SA., Brich S., Mauro V., Tamborini E., Pilotti S., Casali P., Grosso F., Sanfilippo R. Gronchi A., Mantovani R., Galmarini C. Fernández Sousa-Faro JM-F, D’Incalci M. Oncogene, In press (2014).
  • Cao S., Kumimoto R.W., Gnesutta N., Calogero A.M., Mantovani R, Holt BF 3rd. Plant Cell 26:1009-17 (2014).
